Research Article

An Improved Cockroach Swarm Optimization

Table 1

Benchmark test functions.

NumberRange CFunctionsDescription

1 −100, 100 30USStep
2 −100, 100 30USSphere
3 −10, 10 30USSumsquares
4 −100, 100 2MSBohachevsky1
5 −100, 100 2MNBohachevsky2
6 −100, 100 2MNBohachevsky3
7[0, 180]20UNSinusoidal20
8 −100, 100 30UNQuadric
9 −100, 100 2UNEasom
10 −10, 10 2UNMatyas
11 −5, 10 10UNZakharov
12 −10, 10 24UNPowell
13 −10, 10 30UNSchwefel2.22
14 −30, 30 30UNRosenbrock
15 −5.12, 5.12 30MSRastrigin
16 −100, 100 2MNSchaffer1
17 −100, 100 30MNSchaffer2
18 −600, 600 30MNGriewangk
19 −32, 32 30MNAckley
20 −5, 5 2MNThree hump camel back
21 −5, 5 2MNSix hump camel back
22 , 9UNStorn's Tchebychev ,
23 , 17Storn's Tchebychev
for : , and
for : , and .

dimension; C: characteristic; U: unimodal; S: seperable; N: non-separable.