Research Article

Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices on Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Infection Control in Nepal: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Attitude questions on drug-resistant tuberculosis infection control and the responses from the study participants.

Attitude questionsAgreeDisagreeNo commentsTotal responses

I am worried that I may contract drug-resistant tuberculosis.1819%2829%4952%95
Drug-resistant tuberculosis cannot be cured.3234%6063%33%95
My workplace is concerned about the risk of drug-resistant tuberculosis transmission to its staff.4547%4042%1011%95
My workplace has provisioned adequate resources to minimize the risk of drug-resistant tuberculosis transmission to its staff.3234%5962%44%95
I have been well trained in tuberculosis infection control.5053%3638%99%95
Healthcare workers have already been infected with tuberculosis, so taking infection control measures will not help.3739%5760%11%95
The administrative measures of tuberculosis infection control minimize the exposure to tubercular bacilli.4648%4547%44%95
The environmental measures of tuberculosis infection control minimize the number of tubercular bacilli in the environment.4245%4447%89%94
The healthcare workers taking care of the patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis must wear N95 masks.3941%5659%95
I would like to be tested for tuberculosis periodically.5659%3941%95