Research Article

Risk Factors of Gout in MDR-TB Patients in Eritrea: A Case-Control Study

Table 1

Comparing the baseline characteristics of the case and control groups.

Variable Name Cases Controls P-value

Total No. Patients4242


Any Comorbidity

Mean (SD)
 Age40.57 (13.78)39.43 (15.22)0.719++
 Weight43.38 (9.55)43.69 (11.24)0.892++
 Drug Exposure (Months)20.33 (6.12)19.43 (7.44)0.544++
 Number of Drugs7.05 (1.03)6.62 ( 0.73)0.031++
 Onset of gout5.71 (5.34)

Gout Phase (Median, Range)1.0 (1 - 2)

+The p-values were obtained from a chi-square goodness of fit test. For those with a cell count of zero, p-value was obtained after applying a continuity adjustment. ++The p-value was obtained from a two-sample t-test.