Research Article

Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence of Patients in Kosovo

Table 3

Knowledge for TB drugs.

VariablesTotal ()Adherent ()
95% CI (0.812–0.892)
Nonadherent ()
95% CI (0.109–0.188)

Knowledge about the names of TB drugs
 Not true226.79%165.78%612.77%0.233
 Do not know25979.94%22480.86%3574.46%

Knowledge about the length of treatment of TB drugs
 Not true195.86%155.42%48.52%
 Do not know6118.83%4616.60%1531.91%

Knowledge about the daily dosages of TB drugs
 Not true164.94%72.53%919.15%
 Do not know21867.28%19168.95%2757.45%

Knowledge about the colors of TB drugs
 Not true11234.57%9333.57%1940.44%0.261

Knowledge about side effects of TB drugs
 Not true24976.85%20774.73%4289.36%

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