Research Article

Yield of Smear Microscopy and Radiological Findings of Male and Female Patients with Tuberculosis in Abuja, Nigeria

Table 2

Smear-microscopy results by HIV status and gender in culture-positive patients.

N=189 (49.3%*)N=194 (50.7%)N=140 (57.9%*)N=102 (42.1%)N=625

Smear-positive93 (49.2%**)128 (66%)65 (46.4%**)54 (52.9%)340 (54.4%)
Smear-negative96 (50.8%)66 (34%)75 (53.6%)48 (47.1%)285 (44.6%)

*HIV positivity by gender (or, 95%CI for female compared to male = 1.01-1.97, P=.046),
**Smear positivity among HIV-positives versus HIV-negatives, P<.001 for males, and P=.38 for females.