Research Article

Accident Sequence Precursor Analysis of an Incident in a Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Based on Dynamic Probabilistic Risk Assessment

Table 1

Assumed reliability model of EDGs.

Failure probability (−)Failure timing (h)Failure probability (−)Failure timing (h)

Base1 × 10−2Uniform (0, 4)1 × 10−2Uniform (0, 4)Assuming normal condition
State i1 × 10−2Uniform (0, 4)1 × 10−1Uniform (0, 4)Assuming degradation of EDG-B, set failure rate 10 times higher than the base case
State ii1 × 10−2Uniform (0, 4)1Normal (1, 0.1)EDG-B failure is assumed to occur with certainty, and the time of occurrence is assumed to be uncertain
State iii1 × 10−1Uniform (0, 4)1Normal (1, 0.1)Assuming degradation of EDG-A, set failure rate 10 times higher than the base case
State iv1Normal (1, 0.1)1Normal (1, 0.1)EDG-A failure is assumed to occur with certainty, and the time of occurrence is assumed to be uncertain
State vThis state is in scope of low-power or shutdown mode PRA and excluded from our evaluation