Research Article

Stationary Hand Gesture Authentication Using Edit Distance on Finger Pointing Direction Interval

Table 9

Comparison among different gesture recognition.

Gesture type Static gesture Body gesture Gait Arm gesture Finger gesture Stationary hand gesture

RecognitionStatic imageMotionMotionMotionMotionMotion
Versatility of deviceDependent on gestureNot versatileNot versatileNot versatileVersatileVersatile
Gesture spaceDependent on gestureBigBigModerateModerateSmall
Difficulty in performingEasyDifficultEasyEasyModerateModerate
Ease of mimicking
(due to difficulty of
concealing gesture)
Very easyEasyEasyEasyModerateDifficult
Chances of implementationImpractical but possibleLowLowModerateHighHigh