Research Article

The Association of Sleep Duration and the Use of Electronic Cigarettes, NHANES, 2015-2016

Table 3

Bivariate analysis of sleep duration with sample variables, NHANES, 2015-2016, .

Not recommended sleep duration for specific age1May be appropriate sleep duration for specific age1 value
NumberWeighted percentNumberWeighted percent

Electronic cigarette use<0.0001
Cigarette use<0.0001
 Current use13235.549420.1
 Former use5616.542419.8
 Never use19648.0158760.0
Dual use3<0.0001
 CurrentCell size suppressed410.8873.9
 FormerCell size suppressed2.8854.3
 NeverCell size suppressed86.4233391.8
Age in years0.0009
 Non-Hispanic white8245.275061.6
 Non-Hispanic black13825.753111.3
 Mexican American11419.779017.0
 High school/less22557.8115835.3
 More than high school15942.2134764.7
Federal poverty level<0.0001
Health insurance0.0328
Body mass index0.0910
Alcohol use<0.0001
Chronic disease1, 2<0.0001

Abbreviations: wt: weighted; HS: high school. 1Based upon National Sleep Foundation ( 2Chronic disease = positive response to having arthritis, cardiovascular disease, depression, emphysema, or diabetes. 3Dual use current = smoking cigarettes and using electronic cigarettes over the previous 30 days; former dual use = reporting having smoked >100 lifetime cigarettes and having ever used electronic cigarettes; never = reporting never having smoked >100 cigarettes and reporting never having tried electronic cigarettes. 4Numerical entries into the cell categories are suppressed for participant confidentiality.