Research Article

An fMRI Study of the Effects of Vibroacoustic Stimulation on Functional Connectivity in Patients with Insomnia

Table 2

Results show functional connectivity differences between the two groups for the regions that survived post hoc correction for multiple comparisons using the false discovery rate method (FDR-corrected values provided). , , and coordinates of each target ROI are also shown, representing the centroid of the ROI. A two-sample -test is calculated for resting state functional connectivity between the groups for the following ROIs.

Insomnia group (vibroacoustic stimulation vs. control group/pre vs. post)
Brain structuresFDR-corrected -test, , coordinates

Vermis-sensorimotor0.009-4.16Sensorimotor superior network: (-0.073, -30.535, and 67.405)
Vermis-R auditory cortex0.0435-3.30Auditory cortex (R): (46.110, -17.401, and 6.961)
R thalamus-R caudate0.032+3.26R caudate: (13.301, 10.010, and 10.49)
R cerebellar hemisphere-R sensorimotor0.0375-2.97Sensorimotor (R) network: (56.386, -9.868, and 28.818)
R nucleus accumbens-R PFC0.0402-2.96Frontoparietal PFC (R) network: (-43.116, 33.186, and 28.244)
L cerebellar hemisphere-L sensorimotor0.0355-2.93Sensorimotor (L) network: (-55.467, -12.364, and 29.489)