Research Article

Network Intrusion Detection through Stacking Dilated Convolutional Autoencoders

Table 12

Evaluation results on the different lengths of input vectors.

Length (bytes) Accuracy (%) Run time (minutes) Parameter setting

200 98.4019.46filter_dilation = , filter_shape = , full_units = 120.
400 98.4337.90filter_dilation = , filter_shape = , full_units = 220.
500 97.9313.87filter_dilation = , filter_shape = , full_units = 260.
600 97.9919.08filter_dilation = , filter_shape = , full_units = 300.
800 97.9116.38filter_dilation = , filter_shape = , full_units = 440.
1000 98.628.77filter_dilation = , filter_shape = , full_units = 640.
1500 98.2852.93filter_dilation = , filter_shape = , full_units = 840.