Research Article

Assessment of the Efficacy of Home Remedial Methods to Improve Drinking Water Quality in Two Major Aquifer Systems in Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka

Table 1

Mean ± SD of water quality parameters of the domestic wells in Vadamaradchi and Chunnakam areas during the study period, drinking water standards established by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI 614, 2013 [18, 19]), and the percentage of sampled wells exceeding SLSI drinking water standards. In Vadamaradchi and Chunnakam columns, different superscripts ( and ) at each row (for each water quality parameter) indicate significant differences from each other at 95% level of significance (p < 0.05, Student’s t-test, n = 10). The range of water quality parameters of the domestic wells in Vadamaradchi and Chunnakam areas is given within parentheses.

ParameterVadamaradchiChunnakamSLSI drinking water standardsPercentage of wells exceeding the drinking water standards (%)


DO (mg/L)

(5.0 to 8.6)
Not mentioned
EC (µS/cm)

Not mentioned
TDS (mg/L)

Salinity ()

(0.24 to 0.46)
Not mentioned
Temperature (°C)

Not mentioned
Total solids (mg/L)

(445.3 to 654.0)
Not mentioned
Total hardness (mg/L, CaCO3)

COD (mg/L)

Oil & grease (mg/L)

Nitrate N (mg/L)

Total phosphate (mg/L)
