Research Article

Reduced Dental Plaque Formation in Dogs Drinking a Solution Containing Natural Antimicrobial Herbal Enzymes and Organic Matcha Green Tea

Table 5

Gingivitis index for facial and lingual surfaces of all teeth assessed (collapsed by tooth) of control and treatment (OCP) dogs. Note that the gingivitis index on day 0 represents effects of cleaning on the gingiva. No cleaning was performed prior to gingival assessments on days 14, 21, and 28. There were no differences between treatments or between days 14, 21, and 28.

DayGingivitis index, lingualGingivitis index, facial
Control OCP Control OCP


Values are mean ± se. Numbers of dogs (control, treatment): day 14: 9, 16; day 21: 9, 15; day 28: 11, 17.