Stem Cells International

Cardiovascular Regeneration: Biology and Therapy


Lead Editor

1Emory University, Atlanta, USA

2City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

3University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

4Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Cardiovascular Regeneration: Biology and Therapy


Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain one of the most frequent causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Thus, significant efforts have been made to understand the causes of and develop therapy for these detrimental diseases.

Recent progress in the fields of cardiovascular biology and stem cell and tissue engineering not only provides a detailed insight into the cardiovascular pathology, but also open opportunities to develop novel therapeutic approaches. Bridging knowledge gained in multiple research such as developmental biology, genetics, gene editing, stem cells (i.e., adult stem cells and pluripotent stem cells), and direct cell reprogramming to translational research and eventual clinical trials will be able to offer significant benefits for treating CVDs efficiently and safely.

To consolidate the scattered achievements over various research fields and promote a more comprehensive understanding of CVDs, we will launch a special issue that will cover research from diverse disciplines related to CVDs. We intend that our special issue will advance the field of the cardiovascular biology as well as cardiovascular regenerative medicine. Therefore, we would like to invite experts in the fields of cardiovascular development, stem cells, genetics, physiology, biomaterials, tissue engineering, and clinical applications to introduce their cardiac- or cardiovascular regeneration-related research.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Developmental biology related to cardiovascular system
  • Stem cell biology including embryonic and adult stem cells in CVDs
  • Direct cell reprogramming to generate cells of the cardiovascular system
  • Epigenetic and gene editing approaches
  • Cardiac metabolism
  • Disease modeling using stem cells
  • Biomaterials and tissue engineering in cardiovascular regeneration
  • Cell and gene therapy in cardiovascular regeneration
  • Translational regenerative therapy for CVDs
Stem Cells International
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate13%
Submission to final decision156 days
Acceptance to publication27 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.800
Impact Factor4.3
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