Research Article

Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced DNA Damage and Repair through the Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Figure 4

DNA damage accumulation through adipocyte differentiation of hADMSCs. DNA damage corresponding to DNA breaks and alkali labile sites accumulated over 14 days of adipocyte differentiation was expressed as Olive tail moment (OTM), (a) (mean ± SD). DNA oxidative damage accumulation, corresponding to DNA-Fpg sites (7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoguanine), 8-oxoadenine, aflatoxin B1-fapy-guanine, 5-hydroxy-cytosine, and 5-hydroxy-uracil) expressed as OTM, is represented in (b) (mean ± SD). Basal DNA damage (breaks + alkali labile sites) and basal DNA oxidative damage (Fpg-sensitive sites) of hADMSCs (U = undifferentiated) and adipocytes (D = differentiated) are represented in categories of damage (0, without damage to 4, highest damage) in (c). ROS intracellular levels in hADMSCs and adipocytes are shown in (d) (mean ± SD). Data represent 3 or 4 independent experiments with duplicates. Nonparametric tests were used for single cell gel electrophoresis analyses, Kruskal-Wallis (one-way ANOVA on ranks), and all pairwise multiple comparison procedures (Dunn’s test). Differences versus hADMSCs (undifferentiated), . Images in Supplementary Figure 4.