Research Article

Relationships between Brain Structure and Metabolic Changes in Schizophrenia Patients Treated with Olanzapine: A Voxel-Based Morphometric Study

Table 2

Correlations between grey matter volumes after olanzapine treatment and body weight changes observed in schizophrenia patients.

R/LRegions based on AAL atlas MNI Coordinates VoxelsZ-ScoreP value

Positive correlations
Body Weight Change and Brain Structures
RSuperior parietal37−50591302 2.85.002
RInferior frontal operculum508181852 2.40.008

Negative correlations
Body Weight Change and Brain Structures
LPost-central−52−11247107 3.32.0001
LHippocampus−33−20−131387 1.99.023
RPost-central45−15343501 2.38.009
LPrecuneus−14−3969559 2.11.018
LThalamus−7−2315179 1.96.025
RPrecuneus10−594319 1.68.048