Research Article

Evaluation of Mucous Retention Cyst Prevalence on Digital Panoramic Radiographs in the Local Population of Iran

Table 2

The frequency of mucous retention cysts (MRCs in the population, n = 1624) discriminated by age group.

AgeMucous retention cystsTotal
Yes frequency (percentage)No frequency (percentage)

Less than 20 years2 (2.5)204 (13.2)206 (12.6)
Between 20 and 30 years18 (22.5)536 (34.7)554 (34)
Between 30 and 40 years34 (42.5)451 (29.2)485 (29.8)
Between 40 and 50 years21 (26.3)256 (16.6)277 (17)
More than 50 years5 (6.3)97 (6.3)102 (6.2)
Total80 (5)1544 (95)1624 (100)