Research Article

Cigarette and Waterpipe Smoking Decrease Respiratory Quality of Life in Adults: Results from a National Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Factorial analysis of the Clinical COPD Questionnaire.

ItemsFactor loadingFactors correlation*Correlation with FEV1/FVC*

Factor 1**Factor 1 −0.436
Had dyspnea at rest0.4800.771 −0.356
Had dyspnea on effort0.6070.876 −0.422
Was unable to do strenuous effort such as going up stairs0.7010.871 −0.451
Was unable to do moderate effort such as walking0.7760.896 −0.430
Was anxious about breathing difficulties or getting a cold0.6710.786 −0.340
Was depressed because of respiratory problems0.7150.733 −0.227
Was unable to socialize (talking, visiting, …) 0.9490.767 −0.291
Was unable to do daily activities/dressing …0.9250.819 −0.313

Factor 2**Factor 2 −0.442
Had sputum production0.9800.959 −0.414
Had cough0.9370.956 −0.439

Total scale −0.464

*All correlations were significant (P < 0.001); factor 1 correlation with CCQ was 0.980; factor 2 correlation with CCQ was 0.829; **Cronbach’s alpha = 0.910 for the full scale, 0.909 for factor 1 and 0.859 for factor 2; factor 1 correlation coefficient with factor 2 was 0.700.