Clinical Study

Pulmonary Function Tests in Emergency Department Pediatric Patients with Acute Wheezing/Asthma Exacerbation

Table 1

Summarized demographic data for 40 patients.

DemographicsAdmittedDischarged value*

 Female4 (29%)10 (71%)0.5
 Male 10 (39%)16 (61%)0.5
 Caucasian4 (40%)6 (60%)
 African American7 (35%)13 (65%)
 Hispanic2 (22%)7 (78%)
 Other/unknown1 (100%)0 (0 %)
Age (years)7.4 (4.3)9.4 (5.0)0.2
Weight (kg)32.5 (22.1)47.3 (38.1)0.2
Height (cm)130 (29.9)136.2 (27.2)0.2
Length of stay (min)326.85 (77.4)221.96 (57.8)0.07
Vital signs
 Heart rate 121.4 (18.8)105.4 (20.9)0.02
 Respiratory rate 31.9 (9.2)26.5 (8.1)0.06
 Pulse oximetry 97.2 (1.8)97.8 (1.9)0.3
 Asthma score 4.3 (0.91)3.1 (1.5)0.01
Pertinent history
 Asthma/wheezing14 (35%)26 (65%)0.7
 Allergic rhinitis 10 (33%)20 (67%)0.7
 Eczema 5 (42%)7 (58%)0.6
 Exposure to smoke 4 (36%)7 (64%)0.9

Values represent number of patients (% of total) or mean (SD). * value for two-tailed -test or chi-square.