Research Article

Detection of Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 and Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Candidate in Non-DRE Urine Improves Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer in Chinese Population

Table 1

Subjects’ clinical characteristics.

CharacteristicsMedian (range) or %Number or count/available

Intended population70.457
Age65 (54–80)57
Prebiopsy serum PSA (ng/ml)9.59 (1.08–19.45)57
 1–10 ng/ml59.634/57
 10–20 ng/ml40.423/57
Suspicious DRE3011/37
No prior biopsy91.252/57
Number of cores1057
Positive biopsy result24.614/57
Gleason score
 GS = 6 (3 + 3)10.56/57
 GS ≥ 714.038/57
  GS = 7 (3 + 4)3.52/57
  GS = 7 (4 + 3)5.33/57
  GS = 9 (5 + 4)1.81/57
  GS = 10 (5 + 5)3.52/57