Research Article

The Prognostic PDE4D7 Score in a Diagnostic Biopsy Prostate Cancer Patient Cohort with Longitudinal Biological Outcomes

Figure 1

Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of the time to PSA relapse (endpoint: BCR) or start of any salvage therapy after radical prostatectomy (endpoint: STFS) in the DB patient cohort (n=151). ((a)-(c)) Kaplan-Meier analysis of the biochemical recurrence (BCR) free survival in the patient diagnostic biopsy (DB) cohort of the categorized PDE4D7 score, the CAPRA score categories, and the CAPRA & PDE4D7 score combination model. ((d)-(f)) Kaplan-Meier analysis of postsurgical secondary treatment free survival (STFS) in the patient diagnostic biopsy (DB) cohort of the categorized PDE4D7 score, the CAPRA score categories, and the CAPRA & PDE4D7 score combination model. The CAPRA & PDE4D7 combination model was developed by logistic regression in the RP patient cohort and used as such for testing in the DB patient cohort. Censored patients are indicated by vertical bars. PDE4D7 score categories were defined as PDE4D7 (1-2): PDE4D7 scores (1 to <2); PDE4D7 (2-3): PDE4D7 scores (2 to <3); PDE4D7 (3-4): PDE4D7 scores (3 to <4); PDE4D7 (4-5): PDE4D7 scores (4 to <=5). The CAPRA score categories were defined as CAPRA (1): CAPRA scores 0-2; CAPRA (2): CAPRA scores 3-5; CAPRA (3): CAPRA scores ≥6. The CAPRA & PDE4D7 score categories were defined according to the probability to experience PSA failure after surgery based on the logit(p) function of the logistic regression model. Four categories of probabilities were selected: p<0.1; p=0.1 to <0.25; p=0.25 to <0.5; p=0.5 to 1.0 to risk categorize the DB patients.