Research Article

Cognitive Interviewing during Pretesting of the Prefinal Afrikaans for the Western Cape Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire following Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation

Table 3

Patient demographics.

1st round CI ()2nd round CI ()

Ratio, female : male12 : 310 : 5
Median age (min–max)50 (38–83)49 (23–66)
Median education level (min–max)Grd 8 (Grd 1–Grd 12)Grd 9 (Grd 5–Grd 12)
Ratio, employment to unemployment3 : 123 : 12
Unemployed 60 yrs and older21
Ratio, dominance right to left13 : 214 : 1
Affected side
 Both right & left42
 Carpal tunnel syndrome63
 Distal radius fracture11
 Distal ulna fracture10
 Humerus fracture10
 Olecranon fracture01
 Extensor tendon injury11
 Flexor tendon injury01
 Fractured phalanx or metacarpal11
 Shoulder pain31
 Dislocation of IPJ10
 Finger amputations01
 RA of the wrist02
 Burns of the hands01
 Trigger finger01
Median (min–max)Median (min–max)
Duration of symptoms (months)6 (0.4–72)5 (1–72)
Time taken to complete (minutes)9.1 (6.5–13.0)8.3 (3.5–27.4)

Education level is described in terms of levels of education within the South African Education System (National Department of Basic Education) [23]. Grade 12 is the High School Diploma or National Senior Certificate (NSC) and is the main school-leaving certificate in South Africa. Min = minimum; Max = maximum; Grd = grade; IPJ = interphalangeal joint; RA = rheumatoid arthritis.