Research Article

Sensory Overresponsivity, Loneliness, and Anxiety in Taiwanese Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Table 1

Demographic characteristics.

CharacteristicsMean ± SD or (%)MedianRange

 Male46 (65.7%)
 Female24 (34.3%)
Age (years), mean ± SD27.8 ± 5.027.020–39
Autism spectrum quotient32.9 ± 6.034.020–43
 Social skills7.0 ± 2.37.02–10
 Attention switching6.9 ± 1.77.03–9
 Attention to detail6.3 ± 1.96.02–10
 Communication6.5 ± 1.86.01–10
 Imagination6.3 ± 1.66.01–9
Educational level
 High school and below16 (22.9%)
 College and above54 (77.1%)
Employed33 (47.1%)
Marital status: single70 (100%)
Comorbid psychiatric disorders15 (21.4%)
Sensation sensitivity43.2 ± 9.74322–67
Sensation avoidance45.9 ± 8.24433–69
Sensation seeking43.6 ± 8.14427–64
Low registration41.6 ± 8.64323–66
Anxiety21.2 ± 11.9202–43
Loneliness21.9 ± 4.92211–31