Review Article

Dichloroacetate (DCA) and Cancer: An Overview towards Clinical Applications

Table 1

List of reports suggesting beneficial effect of DCA and chemotherapy coadministration in several types of cancers.

Tumour entityModel systemChemotherapy drug coadministered with DCAMechanism of actionOutcomeReferences

Lung cancerA549-H1975 cell lines/xenograft modelPaclitaxelAutophagy inhibitionEfficacious cancer chemotherapy sensitization[32]
HepatocarcinomaHepG2 cell lineDoxorubicinAntioxidant defence disruptionIncreased cellular damage by oxidative stress induction[33]
Lung cancerA549 cell linePaclitaxelIncreased chemosensitivity through PDK2 inhibitionPaclitaxel resistance overcome[34]
Bladder cancerHTB-9, HT-1376, HTB-5, HTB-4 cell lines/xenograft modelCisplatinIncreased chemosensitivity through PDK4 inhibitionIncreased cell death of cancer cells and potential therapeutic advantage[35]
HepatocarcinomaSphere cultures from HepaRG and BC2 cell linesCisplatin, sorafenibIncreased chemosensitivity through PDK4 inhibitionImproved therapeutic effect of chemotherapy by mitochondrial activity restoration[36]