Research Article

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use for Primary Dysmenorrhea among Senior High School Students in the Western Region of Ghana

Table 2

Lay representations of the definition of dysmenorrhea by some of the female students.

Participant IDLay representation

MHSH1The time of the month where blood comes from the vagina
MSHS2In my menstrual cycle, sometimes I feel like vomiting when I eat and pains in my abdomen.
MSHS3Dysmenorrhea is when you have your menses at the age of twelve (12)
MSHS4I know it is simply menstrual problem
MSHS5The feeling of restlessness during a girl’s menses
MSHS6It is the feeling of heaviness in the stomach during your period
MSHS7The serious pain one experiences
MSHS8When you miss your menses for some time and it starts again
MSHS9An uncomfortable feeling in the stomach
MSHS10Some challenges people experience when they menstruate
APGSHS1I know dysmenorrhea is associated with painful menstruation; it feels like a spring is being pulled from your abdomen.
APGSHS2The process of having painful cramps during menstruation
APGSHS3Dysmenorrhea is the burning sensation one feels in the lower abdomen during menstruation.
APGSHS4It is the tearing of the abdomen with sharp pains
APGSHS5Pains at the waist side and knee during menstruation
APGSHS6It is the pain or disorder felt during your menstrual period
APGSHS7A sharp hurting pain which comes and stops and starts very painful again
APGSHS8Dysmenorrhea is a condition whereby a female adolescent experiences severe pains at the lower abdomen which is usually called menstrual cramps
APGSHS9The feeling of being pierced with something in your stomach during menstruation
APGSHS10Situation where an individual misses her menses