Research Article

Nurses’ Knowledge, Practices, and Barriers in Care of Patients with Pressure Ulcers in a Ugandan Teaching Hospital

Table 5

Barriers to carrying out pressure ulcer management and prevention (multiple responses).

Barriers (%)

Poor access to literature21 (37.5)
Heavy workload/staff shortage53 (94.6)
Lack of universal guidelines for prevention28 (50)
Lack of in-service training about pressure
13 (23.2)
Uncooperative patients35 (62.5)
Presence of other priorities other than
pressure ulcers
21 (37.5)
Shortage of pressure relieving devices45 (80.4)
Inadequate knowledge about pressure ulcers20 (35.7)
Lack of multidisciplinary initiative26 (46.4)
I do not have any challenge 03 (5.4)