Research Article

Medication Beliefs and Adherence to Antiseizure Medications

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of participants assessed for medication beliefs and adherence to antiseizure medications.

ParameterTotal (N = 123)Adh (N = 96)N-Adh (N = 27) value

Comparison of group mean scores by using independent t-test:
AMT score9.1 (CI 8.6–9.5)9.3 (CI 8.9–9.7)8.4 (CI 6.7–10.0)ES = 0.4,  = 0.04
Distancea1.2 (CI 0.6–1.8)0.9 (CI 0.3–1.6)1.9 (CI 0.4–4.3) = 0.09
Age63.3 (CI 61.8–64.6)63.1 (CI 61.6–64.5)63.8 (CI 58.3–69.2) = 0.2
Family size3.4 (CI 2.7–4.1)3.5 (CI 2.7–4.4)3.0 (CI 1.1–5.0) = 0.08

Comparison of group proportions by using Z-test:
Married78.3%88.8%40.0%ES = 1.1,  = 0.001
Consang26.1%22.2%40.0%ES = 0.35,  = 0.03
Accept82.6%77.7%100.0%ES = 0.5,  = 0.001
Comorb21.7%5.5%80.0%ES = 2.2,  = 0.001
Male sex73.9%72.2%80.0% = 0.20
Literate95.6%94.4%100.0% = 0.10
Alone13.0%11.1%20.0% = 0.10
FH30.4%33.3%20.0% = 0.09
Supernat52.2%50.0%60.0% = 0.20

Note. Accept: self-acceptance of epilepsy diagnosis; Adh: adherent; Alone: living alone; AMT: Abbreviated Mental Test; CI: 95% confidence interval; Comorb: patient-reported comorbidities; Consang: consanguinity; Distance: distance to nearest pharmacy in approximate KM; FH: family history of epilepsy; N-Adh: nonadherent; Supernat: a belief in the supernatural origin of epilepsy; value: significance level of a group comparison of means or proportions.