Research Article

The Long-Term Effects of Acupuncture on Hippocampal Functional Connectivity in aMCI with Hippocampal Atrophy: A Randomized Longitudinal fMRI Study

Table 2

Significant between-group differences in functional connectivity of the right hippocampus.

ContrastRegionCluster size (voxel)MNI value

Rt. MTG/ITG32054-12-246.21
Lt. amygdala188-322-184.45
Rt. fusiform95300-484.39

Lt. caudate90-2664.25
Rt. caudate100162084.04

()ā€‰>ā€‰()Lt. MTG71-50-18-185.14
Rt. ITG6654-64-124.86

Between-group results were thresholded at cluster-level (FDR corrected). The anatomical localization was implemented by using xjView software. HC: healthy control; aMCI: amnestic mild cognitive impairment; aMCI acupuncture1: aMCI acupuncture group at baseline; aMCI acupuncture2: aMCI acupuncture group at follow-up; aMCI control1: aMCI control group at baseline; aMCI control2: aMCI control group at follow-up; MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; Lt.: left; Rt.: right; MTG: middle temporal gyrus; ITG: inferior temporal gyrus.