Research Article

Structural Brain Changes Following Left Temporal Low-Frequency rTMS in Patients with Subjective Tinnitus

Table 2

Overview over all VBM analyses.

Research questionStatistics

(3 scans)

(2 scans)

(whole group 2 scans)

(1) Grey matter changes after rTMS?Flexible factorial models with factors subject + time
Time points: 
baseline, day 12, day 90
Time points: 
baseline, day 12
Time points: 
baseline, day 12

(2) Correlation between grey matter changes and clinical outcome parameters?Correlation of difference in the TQ/loudness rating with difference images
Time difference: 
day 12–baseline 
day 90–baseline
Time difference: 
day 12–baseline
Time difference: 
day 12–baseline

(3) Grey matter as predictor for treatment response?Correlation of difference in the TQ with baseline images