Research Article

Stress-Coping Humoral Glycolipids Produced by Mice Given Controlled Bathing Treatments

Table 2

The mean ± SD of GN1-3GN reactivity in the samples obtained from mice given controlled bathing treatments.

Light absorbance (450/655 nm)

Positive control: B group (given tap-water bathing)0.138 ± 0.010
PH group (given pH 5 bathing)0.148 ± 0.024
MB group (given air-microbubble-bathing)0.138 ± 0.020
CM group (given CO2-microbubble-bathing)0.230 ± 0.017
Negative control (the sample: physiological saline)0.053 ± 0.010

The GN1-3GN: GalNAcalpha1-3GalNAc-lipid promoting the adrenergic module inducing the behaviors escaping from the uneasy situation. compared to positive control, Mann-Whitney U test ().