Research Article

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices about Malaria and Its Control in Rural Northwest Tanzania

Table 4

Respondent’s bed nets ownership, use and nonuse in Geita district, northwest Tanzania.


Possessing bed nets (treated or untreated)28377.3

Used bed nets last night27174

Possessing ITNs22360.9

Family members who sleep under bed nets daily
 Children and mothers4211.5
 Everyone in the house21157.7
 Father and mother alone8322.6

Reasons for using bed nets
 Protect from mosquito bites18751.1
 Protect from malaria7219.7
 Protect children from malaria61.6

Reasons of not possessing bed nets
 Not available33.6
 Reduce surrounding air11.2
 Increase room temperature44.8
 Cannot prevent malaria transmission22.4
 No reasons56

Use of insecticides (NGAO) to re-treat bed nets18164.0

Time for re-treatment of bed nets with insecticides (NGAO)
 After 1 month2912.6
 After 2 or 3 month6628.7
 After 12 months41.7
 Do not treat62.6

Reasons of not using insecticides (NGAO) to re-treat bed nets
 Not available77.2
 Do not need re-treatment22.1

Source of insecticides (NGAO) for re-treatment of bed nets
 Retail shops17075.9
 Non governmental organization83.6
 Donated by government10.5