Research Article

A Fast RFID Tag Anticollision Algorithm for Dynamic Arrival Scenarios Based on First-Come-First-Serve

Algorithm 2

Tag procedure pseudo code of DAS-DFSA.
(1)IsIdentified = false;
(2)SIDt = 0;
(3)TagSate = NewArrival;
(4)while (!IsIdentified)
(6) receive reader instruction;/ Includes Start, IndicateWait, IndicateArrival, Ack et al. /
(7)if (Instruction is Start) begin
(8)  SIDt = Generate random slot number;/ SIDt between 0 and SIDw. /
(9)  Set TagSate to Arrival;
(11)else if (Instruction is IndicateWait) begin
(12)  if (SIDt = = SIDc and TagSate is Wait)
(13)   response RN16;
(14)  else if (Instruction is IndicateArrival) begin
(15)   if (SIDt = = SIDc and (TagSate is Wait or Arrival))
(16)    response RN16;
(17)   else if (TagSate is NewArrival) begin
(18)    SIDt = Generate random slot number;/ SIDt between SIDl + 1 and L. /
(19)    Set TagSate to Arrival;
(20)    if(SIDt = = SIDc)
(21)     response RN16;
(22)   end
(23)  end
(24)else if (Instruction is Ack)
(25)  if (RN16 is itself) begin
(26)   Set IsIdentified to ture;
(27)   Set TagSate to Identified;
(28)  end