Research Article

Study of Immune-Based Intrusion Detection Technology in Virtual Machines for Cloud Computing Environment

Table 1

Illustrations of tested parallel programs.

Program namesMeanings Parameter settings

FFTComputing a fast Fourier transform = 22, p = 2, = 65536, l = 4
LUSplitting a sparse matrix into a product of a lower triangular matrix and an upper triangular matrix = 2, = 2048, = 16
OceanSimulating movements of an entire ocean through the edge of the ocean currents (noncontiguous block allocation method) = 4, = 258, = 380, = 1 – 09
RaytracePath simulation of lights = 4, envfile = ball4
BarnesSimulating a three-dimensional multibody system (e.g., galaxies) = 2, fleaves =2