Research Article

MicroRNA-146a Alleviates Experimental Autoimmune Anterior Uveitis in the Eyes of Lewis Rats

Figure 3

Effect of miR-146a on cytokine expression profiles. (a) Relative mRNA expression of cytokines. In comparison with the MAA group, rats treated with low-dose or high-dose miR-146a had reduced expression of IFN-γ, IL-12, IL-1β, and IL-6 mRNA and increased expression of IL-10 and IL-17. Data are expressed as means ± SD ( compared with the MAA group; compared with the low-dose miR-146a group). (b) Aqueous concentration of cytokines by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In comparison with the MAA group, low-dose or high-dose miR-146a treatment resulted in decreased concentrations of IFN-γ, IL-12, and IL-1β, but increased concentration of IL-17. Data are expressed as means ± SD ( compared with the MAA group; compared with the low-dose miR-146a group). Ctrl = control; MAA = melanin-associated antigen; miR-146a L = low-dose miR-146a; miR-146 H = high-dose miR146a.