Research Article

Gene Expression, Oxidative Stress, and Senescence of Primary Coronary Endothelial Cells Exposed to Postprandial Serum of Healthy Adult and Elderly Volunteers after Oven-Cooked Meat Meals

Figure 6

The effect of culture with postprandial serum (2 times per day for 4 h) compared to fasting serum (2 times per day for 4 h) on growth and senescence of HCAECs. Postprandial serum used for these experiments was obtained from adult volunteers after the pork meat meals. All data are mean ± SEM for independent cell populations for each condition (fasting serum and postprandial). (a) Cumulative population doubling (CPD) was calculated using the formula 3.32(log10F − log10I) over consecutive population doublings. (b) Senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activity for cells grouped by passage number and treatment as indicated. (c) Viability for cells grouped by passage number and treatment as indicated. (d) p16 expression after passage 9 for cells grouped by passage number and treatment as indicated. Data are means with error bars showing SEM. compared to fasting serum.