Research Article

Detection of Mycobacterium bovis in Organs of Slaughtered Cattle by DNA-Based Polymerase Chain Reaction and Ziehl-Neelsen Techniques in Bauchi State, Nigeria

Table 2

Distribution of suspected bTB lesions in various organs of slaughtered cattle in Bauchi state, Nigeria.

Organs examinedNumber of TB suspected lesions (%) ZN staining (% +ve)PCR (% +ve)

Lungs65 (54.20)19 (29.23%)5 (7.80%)
Lymph nodes28 (23.30)6 (21.43%)2 (7.14%)
Intestines2 (1.70)2 (100%)2 (100%)
Liver8 (6.70)2 (25%)1 (12.50%)
Spleen6 (5.00)1 (16.67%)0 (0%)
Heart10 (8.30)5 (50%)0 (0%)
Mam. gland1 (0.80)0 (0%) 0 (0%)