Research Article

Varying Properties of Extracellular Matrix Grafts Impact Their Durability and Cell Attachment and Proliferation in an In Vitro Chronic Wound Model

Figure 1

Characterization of extracellular matrix scaffolds. Representative scanning electron microscopy images of (a) top-down and (b) cross-sectional views of OFM, PCMP, and PCMP-XT. (c) Representative cross-sectional images (20x) of H&E-stained matrices. (d) Average dry weight per surface area and (e) tissue thickness; bars represent average ± standard deviation; markers represent individual average measurements from 3 grafts. (f) Reduction of MMP activity by ECM scaffolds. Bars represent average ± standard deviation; markers represent individual measurements (n = 6–9 measurements per graft; 3 grafts total). Asterisks denote significance at , , , or . Scale bar indicates 50 μm for all images.