Research Article

Hepatic and Renal Toxicity Induced by TiO2 Nanoparticles in Rats: A Morphological and Metabonomic Study

Figure 8

PLS-DA scores plot (a) derived from 1H NMR spectra of urine samples at the dose of 0.5g/kg BW according to different exposure period: control (black), 4 days (red), 1 month (blue), and 2 months (green). (b) PLS-DA loadings plot corresponding to (a). A two-component PCA model was performed with a total variance of 63% explained (PC1 = 46.1%, PC2 = 16.9%). In the PCA score plot, 20 samples were clearly divided into four clusters marked as groups 1 (control in black), 2 (TiO2 4 days in red), 3 (TiO2 1 month in blue), and 4 (TiO2 2 months in green), respectively. Plots given by the SIMCA-P+ software (version 12.0). The ellipse shows 95% confidence intervals.