Research Article

Knowledge and Practice of Clinicians regarding Syndromic Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Public Health Facilities of Gamo Gofa Zone, South Ethiopia

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of clinicians in public health facilities of Gamo Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia.

Variables Number ()Percentage (%)

Diploma nurse17469.6
B.S. nurse228.8
Health officer 4216.8
Medical doctor 124.8
Male 14256.8
Female 10843.2
Less than or equal to 2914156.4
30 to 397028
40 to 49249.6
50 to 59135.2
60 and above20.8
Mean SD (31.43 8.31)
Work experience
Less than 1 year52.0
1 to 5 years11546.0
6 to 10 years7128.4
Greater than 10 years5923.6
Median (6.0)