Research Article

Trichomonas vaginalis and Associated Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Bule Hora University Teaching Hospital, Oromia Region, Southern Ethiopia

Table 3

Bivariable and multivariable analysis of factors associated with T. vaginalis infection among pregnant women who followed ANC at Bule Hora University Teaching Hospital, Southern Ethiopia, 2022.

VariablesCategoryTV (+), (%)TV (-), (%)COR (95% CI) valueAOR (95% CI) value

Age group15-192 (10.5%)17 (89.5%)0.53 (0.06-4.41)0.557
20-244 (7.8%)47 (94.4%)0.38 (0.06-2.41)0.307
25-294 (5.6%)68 (93.0%)0.27 (0.04-1.66)0.1560.38 (0.05-2.95)0.35
30-343 (18.2%)40 (81.8%)0.33 (0.05-2.33)0.270
35-392 (7.0%)9 (92.3%)1

Marital statusSingle1 (14.3%)6 (85.7%)11
Married12 (6.7%)167 (93.3%)0.43 (0.048-3.88)0.453
Divorced1 (16.7%)5 (83.3%)1.20 (0.06-24.47)0.906
Widowed1 (25.0%)3 (75.0%)2.00 (0.09-44.35)0.661

ResidencyUrban8 (6.5%)116 (93.5%)1
Rural7 (9.7%)65 (90.3%)1.56 (0.54-4.50)0.409

Educational levelNo formal education4 (6.0%)63 (94.0%)1.65 (0.18-15.48)0.661
Grades 1-88 (13.3%)52 (86.7%)4.00 (0.48-33.71)0.2022.81 (0.31-25.29)0.36
Grades 9-122 (4.8%)40 (95.2%)1.30 (0.11-15.08)0.8341
College and above1 (3.7%)26 (96.3%)1

OccupationEmployed2 (9.5%)19 (90.5%)1
Unemployed13 (7.4%)162 (92.6%)0.76 (0.16-3.64)0.734

GravidityPrimigravida4 (4.5%)84 (95.5%)11
Multigravida11 (10.2%)97 (89.8%)2.38 (0.73-7.76)0.1503.08 (0.88-10.69)0.28

ANC visit<43 (6.4%)44 (93.6%)1
≥412 (8.1%)137 (91.9%)0.78 (0.21-2.89)0.708

History of contraceptive useYes4 (7.3%)51 (92.7%)0.93 (0.28-3.05)0.900
No11 (7.8%)130 (92.2%)1

History of antibiotic useYes1 (9.1%)10 (90.9%)1.22 (0.15-10.24)0.854
No14 (7.6%)171 (92.4%)1

Number of sex partner16 (4.5%)128 (95.5%)11
≥29(14.5%)53 (85.5%)0.28 (0.09-0.81)0.0203.09 (1.00-9.55)0.049

HIV statusPositive1 (25.0%)3 (75.0%)4.24 (0.41-43.46)0.2241.96 (0.07-55.16)0.693
Negative14 (7.3%)178 (92.7%)11

History of abortionYes2 (10.0%)18 (90.0%)1.393 (0.29-6.67)0.678
No13 (7.4%)163 (92.6%)1

Vaginal dischargesYes10 (9.7%)93 (90.3%)1.89 (0.62-5.76)0.261
No5 (5.4%)88 (94.6%)1

History of chronic illnessYes2 (14.3%)12 (85.7%)2.17 (0.44-10.73)0.343
No13 (7.1%)169 (92.9%)1

DysuriaYes4 (11.1%)32 (88.9%)1.69 (0.51-5.66)0.392
No11 (6.9%)149 (93.1%)1

Abbreviations: TV (+): Trichomonas vaginalis positive; TV (-): Trichomonas vaginalis negative; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; ANC: antenatal care; COR: crude odds ratio; AOR: adjusted odds ratio; CI: confidence interval. Note: indicates the variable with in the bivariable analysis, and indicates the variable with in the multivariable analysis and is statistically significant.