Research Article

Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Pigs: A Preliminary Study in Tolon and Kumbungu Districts, Ghana

Table 1

Infection status and risk estimate of pig to infection by sex and age.

Animal (ŋ)Animals with parasitic worm eggs (%)OR/risk estimate

Female (37)33 (89.19%)0.4752.182
Male (19)18 (94.73%)
Total (56)51 (91.07%)
Age group
<1 year (31)29 (93.55%)0.085n/d
1–2 years (19)18 (94.74%)
>2 years (6)4 (66.67%)
Total (56)51 (91.07%)

Confidence interval = 95%; OR = odds ratio; = Pearson’s chi-square; n/d = not determined.