Research Article

Malaria and Geohelminthiasis Coinfections in Expectant Women: Effect on Maternal Health and Birth Outcomes in a Malaria Endemic Region in Kenya

Table 6

Analysis of risk factors for adverse neonatal outcomes in coinfections.

Variable Co-infection

P-valueOR95% CI
Gestation period
< 37 weeks Preterm delivery0.0066.8961.755-27.101
< 28 weeks Abortion0.8970.9060.205-4.012
Neonatal condition at birth
Fresh still birth0.0483.7011.008-13.579
Macerated still birth0.7500.7500.098-5.768
Birth weight
Low birth weight0.0014.1863.O94-8.369
<6 Low chances of survival0.0015.3101.860-15.162
7-9 High chances of survival0.4780.6390.185-2.204

95% CI=confidence interval and OR= odds ratio; P<0.05 was considered significant.