Research Article

Accommodation and Binocular Vision in Children with Myopic Anisometropia

Table 1

Comparison of demographics among three groups.

IsometropiaLow anisometropiaHigh anisometropiaF/χ2

Age (y)10.66 ± 1.8911.69 ± 2.2111.79 ± 2.592.7640.068
Time of myopia (y)1.26 ± 1.441.39 ± 1.763.79 ± 2.5918.115<0.001
SER (D)0.37 ± 0.311.61 ± 0.403.28 ± 0.77267.665<0.001

M: male; F: female; SER: spherical equivalent refraction; Chi-square test was used for sex, and univariate ANOVA was used for age, time of myopia, and SER.