Research Article

Gender- and Age-Related Differences of Ocular Biometric Parameters in Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Table 1

Ocular biometric parameters by gender.

Ocular biometric parametersTotal mean (SD) or N (%)Male mean (SD) or N (%)Female mean (SD) or N (%) value1

Keratometry (D)
 K142.93 (1.64)42.57 (1.54)43.25 (1.67)<0.0001
 K243.90 (1.57)43.55 (1.54)44.22 (1.53)<0.0001
 K43.42 (1.55)43.07 (1.48)43.74 (1.54)<0.0001
Astigmatism (D)0.97 (0.89)0.98 (0.90)0.97 (0.88)0.874
 ATR546 (42.72)288 (47.52)258 (38.39)0.001
 OBQ240 (18.78)114 (18.81)126 (18.75)
 WTR492 (38.50)204 (33.66)288 (42.86)
AL (mm)23.46 (1.18)23.73 (1.07)23.22 (1.23)<0.0001
ACD (mm)3.17 (0.40)3.25 (0.40)3.10 (0.39)<0.0001
LT (mm)4.54 (0.48)4.53 (0.49)4.55 (0.47)0.333

1Wilcoxon Mann–Whitney test. ACD-anterior chamber depth; AL-axial length; ATR-against the rule astigmatism; K1-flat keratometry; K2-steep keratometry; K-average keratometry; LT-lens thickness; OBQ-oblique astigmatism; SD-standard deviation; WTR-with the rule astigmatism. In bold are the statistically significant results.