Research Article

Dry Eye Indexes Estimated by Keratograph 5M of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients without Secondary Sjögren’s Syndrome Correlate with Lupus Activity

Table 3

Correlation analysis between each group of data.

Age (years)Duration (years)TMH (mm)NIKBUT-first (s)NIKBUT-average (s)OSDI (score)SLEDAI (score)ANA titer

Age (years)r = 0.256r = −0.196r = −0.263r = −0.368r = 0.176r = 0.251r = −0.017
Duration (years)r = 0.256r = 0.086r = 0.169r = 0.125r = −0.145r = 0.006r = −0.126
TMH (mm)r = −0.196r = 0.086r = 0.033r = 0.174r = −0.003r = −0.233r = 0.052
NIKBUT-first (s)r = −0.263r = 0.169r = 0.033r = 0.870r = −0.241r = −0.254r = −0.051
NIKBUT-average (s)r = −0.368r = 0.125r = 0.174r = 0.870r = −0.341r = −0.343r = −0.103
OSDI (score)r = 0.176r = −0.145r = −0.003r = −0.241r = −0.341r = 0.256r = 0.288
SLEDAI (score)r = 0.251r = 0.006r = −0.233r = −0.254r = −0.343r = 0.256r = 0.290
ANA titerr = −0.017r = −0.126r = −0.052r = −0.051r = −0.103r = 0.288r = 0.290

TMH = tear meniscus height. NIKBUT = noninvasive Keratograph tear breakup time. OSDI = Ocular Surface Disease Index. SLEDAI = Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index. ANA = antinuclear antibody.