Research Article

Communication Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction among Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Table 3

The maximum and minimum average response of the participants to the CSE.C and JS.C questions.

InstrumentQuestionsScoresMean ± SD

CSE.C(i) In any situation, especially critical situations such as caring for a COVID-19 patient, how confident are you in coordinating your duties with the teamMaximum7.96 ± 1.93
(ii) How sure are you that you are successful and capable in preparing a preprepared conversation plan with the patient of COVID-19?Minimum6.33 ± 2.42

JS.C(i) I am satisfied with my ability to influence quality nursing care of patientsMaximum4.85 ± 1.01
(ii) The salary and benefits received are proportional to the volume and difficulty of my workMinimum1.80 ± 1.33