Research Article

Influence of Parent Stressors on Adolescent Obesity in African American Youth

Table 4

Correlations between exposure to stressors.


(1) Financial1 (118)
(2) Legal0.27 (118)1 (121)
(3) Career0.29 (117)0.29 (120)1 (120)
(4) Relationships0.33 (117)0.44 (120)0.20 (120)1 (120)
(5) Home Safety0.49 (117)0.35 (120)0.36 (119)0.55 (119)1 (120)
(6) Com Safety0.54 (117)0.31 (116)0.29 (115)0.29 (115)0.56 (115)1.0 (116)
(7) Med Self0.38 (112)0.23 (114)0.17 (113)0.31 (113)0.20 (113)0.37 (114)1.0 (114)
(8) Med Other−0.02 (113)0.05 (115)−0.003 (114)0.15 (114)0.16 (114)−0.08 (115)0.21 (113)1.0 (115)
(9) Home issues0.23 (116)−0.003 (119)0.09 (118)0.08 (118)0.13 (118)0.22 (114)0.19 (113)0.16 (113)1.0 (120)
(10) Authority0.17 (116)0.06 (119)−0.05 (118)0.10 (118)−0.04 (118)0.04 (114)0.20 (113)0.27 (113)0.33 (120)1.0 (120)
(11) Prejudice0.18 (115)0.05 (118)0.08 (117)0.12 (117)0.28 (117)0.15 (113)−0.03 (112)0.32 (112)0.42 (119)0.45 (119)1.0 (119)

Note. Correlation coefficients are shown followed by sample size (N). Asterisk denotes significance at . Com Safety, community safety. Med Self, medical issues pertaining to self. Med Other, medical issues pertaining to others.