Research Article

Minimum Dietary Diversity and Associated Factors among Lactating Mothers in Ataye District, North Shoa Zone, Central Ethiopia: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression1 analysis of factors associated with MDD among lactating mothers in Ataye District, Central Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 631).

VariablesMinimum DDCOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)
≥5 FGs no. (%)<5 FGs no. (%)

Maternal education
 Formal education182 (66.2)93 (33.8)3.57 (2.56, 4.97)2.16 (1.14, 4.09)
 No formal education126 (35.4)230 (64.6)1.001.00
Final say on household purchase (n = 384)
 Yes211 (63.7)120 (36.3)3.72 (2.01, 6.91)5.39 (2.34, 12.42)
 No17 (32.1)36 (67.9)1.001.00
Meal frequency
 Two meals only or below21 (39.8)32 (60.4)1.001.00
 Three meals197 (45.4)237 (54.6)1.27 (0.7, 2.27)0.59 (0.19, 1.85)
 Three meals and above90 (62.5)54 (37.5)2.54 (1.33, 4.84)0.68 (0.20, 2.31)
Income-generating activities
 Yes205 (53.4)179 (46.6)1.60 (1.16, 2.21)0.56 (0.26, 1.22)
 No103 (41.7)144 (58.3)1.001.00
Place of delivery
 Health institutions230 (55.2)187 (44.8)2.15 (1.53, 3.01)0.53 (0.21, 1.35)
 Home78 (36.4)136 (63.6)1.001.00
Postnatal follow-up
 Yes189 (57.3)141 (42.7)2.05 (1.49, 2.82)1.56 (0.81, 2.99)
 No119 (39.5)182 (60.5)1.001.00
Number of ANC visits
 ≥4102 (64.6)56 (35.4)4.95 (2.94, 8.33)3.32 (0.85, 12.87)
 1–3174 (49.2)18 0(50.8)2.63 (1.67, 4.15)2.43 (0.74, 7.93)
 No visit32 (26.9)87 (73.1)1.001.00
Home gardening practice
 Yes179 (68.2)81 (31.2)4.15 (2.95, 5.82)2.67 (1.49, 4.81)
 No129 (34.8)242 (65.2)1.001.00
Source of food
 Another source162 (60.9)104 (39.1)1.001.00
 Own source146 (40.0)219 (60.0)2.34 (1.69, 3.23)1.29 (0.59, 2.81)
History of illness
 Yes74 (30.5)169 (69.5)0.28 (0.21, 0.41)0.47 (0.26, 0.85)
 No234 (60.5)154 (39.5)1.001.00
Knowledge about nutrition
 Good234 (67.6)112 (32.4)5.96 (4.21, 8.43)5.11 (2.68, 9.78)
 Poor74 (26.0)211 (74.0)1.001.00
Household food insecurity
 Food secure269 (56.2)210 (43.8)3.71 (2.47, 5.57)2.96 (1.45, 6.07)
 Food insecure39 (25.7)113 (74.3)1.001.00
Household wealth index
 Rich117 (60.3)77 (39.7)3.62 (2.45, 5.34)3.55 (1.76, 7.13)
 Medium112 (65.9)58 (34.1)4.59 (3.04, 6.94)5.94 (2.82, 12.87)
 Poor79 (29.6)188 (70.4)1.001.00

 =  value <0.05,  =  value<0.001, CI = confidence interval, COR = crude odds ratio, AOR = adjusted odds ratio, FGs = food groups, 1Hosmer and Lemeshow test ( value = 0.374).