Review Article

On Characterizing the Interactions between Proteins and Guanine Quadruplex Structures of Nucleic Acids

Figure 4

NMR structure of 16-amino-acid peptide (pink) from DHX36 bound to a DNA guanine quadruplex (green and blue). Amino acids that stack on the face of the guanine tetrad are labelled in (a) and charged amino acids that interact with the backbone of the quadruplex are shown in (b). Small-angle X-ray scattering data of a 52-amino-acid fragment of DHX36 (turquoise) bound to an RNA quadruplex (blue) shown in (c). Transparent space filling diagram of the 16-amino-acid DHX36 peptide bound to DNA quadruplex. PDB 2N21 (NMR) and SAX structure [30].