Research Article

Dietary Omega-3 Fatty Acids Do Not Change Resistance of Rat Brain or Liver Mitochondria to C a 2 + and/or Prooxidants

Figure 7

Dependence of kinetic parameter n (order of reaction) on dietary omega-3 PUFA content. (A) An ability of isolated from control animals liver mitochondria to uptake/release Ca2+ (section (a)) and swell (section (b)) in the presence of Ca2+ (10 μM), succinate + rotenone used as a substrate. (B) The order of reaction 𝑛 was calculated from our kinetic model of Ca2+-induced mitochondrial dysfunction for each tested diet. In the framework of the model (see description in text), a change in 𝑛 reflects a change in the number of Ca2+ in respect to the MPT induction. Therefore, any change in 𝑛 would be expected to correlate with an ability of mitochondria to resist to the Ca2+-induced swelling. The data are expressed as mean ± SEM, 𝑛 = 3 . Statistical significance of the differences in 𝑛 between tested samples was determined by a two-sample t-test.