Research Article

Deep Learning-Based Ensembling Technique to Classify Alzheimer’s Disease Stages Using Functional MRI

Table 6

Comparison of state of the methods for AD classification.

StudyYearStagesMethodEnsembling techniqueAccuracy

Loddo et al. [22]2022NC/VM-AD/Mi-AD/Mo-ADAlexNet, ResNet-101, and Inception ResNetV2Averaging98.24%
Fang et al. [23]2020AD/HC, MCI/HCGoogleNet, ResNet, and DenseNetAdaBoost93%
Wang et al. [11]2020AD/MCI/CNDenseNetProbability-based fusion97.52%
Karwath et al. [24]2017AD/healthy, mild MCI/severe MCIAlexnet CNNMajority votingAD/Healthy => 91%,
Mild MCI/severe MCI => 85%
This study2022AD/SMC/EMCI/MCI/LMCI/CNVGG-16, ResNet-18, Inception V1, AlexNet, and Custom CNNMax voting98.8%